Creekside Elementary School

Creekside Elementary School
Cultivating Curiosity

Principal's Message

Gathering Stairs

group of students on large staircase

The large staircase in the heart of the school can be used as a casual classroom, for socializing or for large group seating for performances.

Welcome to Creekside ! 

On behalf of the staff, I'd like to welcome you to our website.

Dear Families,

Creekside Elementary at Martin Park is a unique, dynamic neighborhood school that hosts an international student population. We are proud to welcome students from the surrounding neighborhoods and many of the University of Colorado family housing units. Approximately 30 percent of our population comes to us from nearly every continent in the world and we often have 25 different languages spoken in our building!  At Creekside, children learn that diversity is a quality that is respected and valued. 

Academic programming at Creekside  is provided to all children on a differentiated basis as determined by their performance level. Children with Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) are provided with special services within the classroom and/or in a pull out setting. Creekside is also proud to have an AIM (Achieving with Individualization and Modification) Intensive Learning Center (ILC)  for students with autism.

In August, 2017 we were thrilled to open a brand new school building designed to facilitate personalized learning, and the teaching of 21st century skills - creativity, critical thinking, collaboration, and communication.The new school has been built to support different styles of learning. There are spaces that work well for learning from an expert (more "traditional" teaching), collaborative spaces where students can work in small groups to learn from each other, presentation spaces, teacher collaboration rooms, spaces that allow individuals to work and reflect quietly, and gathering spaces for larger communities. Creekside’s learning environment is agile and multi-functional depending on the learning needs of the students.

Students are assigned a Learning Community and a homeroom according to their grade level.  A Learning Community can be compared to a  traditional classroom, but on a larger scale. While a traditional classroom has a teacher and approximately 20-30 students that form a classroom community, a Learning Community at Creekside has 4-8 teachers and 80-125 or more students forming a diverse community of learners.  

The Learning Community concept is built around fostering teacher and student collaboration and flexibly grouping students to best meet each student’s individual learning needs. Rather than working in isolation, all teachers in each learning community work out of a shared teacher collaboration space. This promotes cross pollination of ideas, collegiality, and deeper empathy and understanding of one another.  At Creekside, our Learning Communities are organized in the following ways: Early Childhood: Pre K, K, 1; 2nd and 3rd Grade; 4th and 5th Grade

Creekside teachers are committed to meeting the academic, social, emotional, creative and cultural needs of the whole child. Based on strong bonds of collegiality, respect and child-centeredness, Creekside Elementary offers students a welcoming and supportive place to learn. ​We have a full time school counselor, support from a Family Health Advocate, and are pleased to partner with the City of Boulder to provide an array of services including after school clubs, mental health, and other social services. 

Lastly, parent and community partnerships are highly valued at Creekside. These partnerships are the cornerstones for helping our students and the school achieve at maximum potential. 

We have a very active parent organization, CPO (Creekside Parent Organization) that is involved in many school wide activities and fundraising, as well as a dedicated School Advisory Council (SAC) that meets regularly to advise on budget, staffing, school safety and school culture.

Creekside Elementary at Martin Park is a creative, diverse, and motivating setting for all children.​ We are proud to be part of the south Boulder community.

Best regards,


Francine Eufemia, Ed.D