Creekside Elementary School

Creekside Elementary School
Cultivating Curiosity

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  •  If your K-4th student was enrolled at Creekside Elementary for the 2023-24 school year, you are automatically enrolled for 24-25!  Check out the topics below for resources to start the year.
  • New to Creekside Elementary and have not yet begun enrollment??  Visit the BVSD Website to start the process.
  • Already a Creekside family and have a new student to enroll?  Head to the BVSD Website to enroll your child!

Please contact our Creekside registrar, Amber Godard, at 720-561-3800 with questions.  We look forward to having your child join us!


Information about the Annual Data Update (ADU) was recently sent by the District.  Please be sure to update your contact information so you can receive the text and email alerts from BVSD.  

Check out the Creekside Website for the weekly School News Blog.  The Blog comes out every Monday afternoon from Principal Eufemia.

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Bus Routes
1:Web Program
School Meals
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School Meals

Important Dates

July 16 - Kindergarten Summer Play Date
July 25 - Kindergarten Summer Play Date
August 7 - Kindergarten Family Information Night
August 9 -   Class assignments available on Infinite Campus Parent Portal

August 13 - Meet Your Teacher Day  8:30 - 9:15am

August 14 - 1st Day of School for Grades 1-5

Aug. 14, 15 & 16 - Pre-K & Kindergarten Welcome Days (Students Only)